- +254 709 596000
- info@tuliainsurance.com
- Upperhill Nairobi
Property Insurance that covers businesses including home-based businesses against damage to contents arising from various riska suach as fire, floods etc.
In case of death of the loan taker or total permanent disability of the loan taker due to accident, 100% of the initial loan amount or outstanding loan balance is paid.
An insurance product designed to provide risk protection against natural death. Other benefits include an accidental death & disability rider .
Motorcycle coverage for third-party liability and (optional) loss and damage to due to accident + Personal Accident as semi-bundled extra offer .
Motor Private (psv) coverage for third-party liability and (optional) loss and damage to due to accident + Personal Accident as semi-bundled extra offer .
Compulsory group credit life coverage with flexible benefits and a voluntary personal accident riders .
Voluntary annual term life insurance attached to postal savings accounts, with premiums deducted from annual interest earned .
Payment of a lump sum in case of death due to any cause, with variable options (accidental death, education grant for children, family coverage).
This insurance covers loan-taking smallholder farmers against adverse weather conditions through weather related index insurance.
Coverage for cattle and other livestock against the risk of death due to multiple causes plus additional disability .
Yearly renewable voluntary personal accident insurance that covers accidental death and disability .
Voluntary group life insurance for “mobile money” account holders of the partnering telecommunication company.
Mobile savings plan with regular contributions for min. 3 years with 85% investment earnings on the net premium credited to the account value.
Government sponsored life insurance and personal accident program for households classified as very poor .