Crop Index Insurance

//Product Type - Index Insurance

Crop Index Insurance Insurance

The distribution partner types are MFIs, banks, coops, retailers.

This insurance covers loan-taking smallholder farmers against adverse weather conditions through weather related index insurance. The more adverse the index, e.g. below-average rainfall, the higher the likely losses for the farmer and the higher the insurance payout. up to a maximum sum insured .

This is a group product, Compulsory (tied to agricultural loans) .

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What does Crop Index Insurance cover?

Cover: Adverse behavior of a weather index (as a proxy for actual losses) with payouts starting from a pre-defined trigger point (strike) and proceeding in notional steps until a pre-defined exit point, at which the maximum sum insured would be paid

The trigger, exit and sum insured depend on the location, season, crop, claim experience and business potential. Several weather indices can be used:

    • rainfall (excess, deficit, dry spells),
    • temperature (high/low
    • humidity
    • wind speed or any other measurable weather parameter
//Insurance Type

Sum Insured- Sum insured is equal to the inputs loan amount.

Premium Rate- 10 – 12% of loan amount, depending on crop and region

Premium Payment- Once at inception

This insurance cover is only sold in a 4 - 6 weeks sales window before planting season.