Group Term Life

//Product Type - Term Life

Group Term Life

Distribution partner types are Pension Schemes, saccos, etc. .

An insurance product designed to provide risk protection against natural death. Other benefits include an accidental death & disability rider.

The product is for a group insurance, Compulsory with voluntary doubling of sum insured.

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What does Group Term Life cover?

Risks covered are:

    • PNatural and accidental death
    • Disability rider is optional (but rarely implemented in microfinance context)
//Insurance Type

Sum Insured- Amount equal to amounts saved. Voluntary doubling of the sum insured against a doubling of the premium is allowed.

Premium Rate- Depending on the group, underwriting rateto be set. Varies based on group demographics

Premium Payment- Annual or Monthly

Group Term Life is suitable for 1-year renewable terms. However, for multi-year terms, a different product called “GCPP (Group Credit Protection Plus)” is used. Other than the duration all other characteristics are the same.