
//Product type - Property

Business Insurance

This is property insurance that covers businesses, including home-based business, against damage to contents (stocks) arising from the various risks such as fire, ligtening, flooding, windstorm, civil commotion etc.

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What does Business Insurance cover?

The covered risks and benefits are the costs of repair or replacement of damage due to below risks are covered as follows and up to the given maximum insured values. .

    • Water damage, flooding, avalanche and landslides
    • Violent strikes, civil commotion and malicious acts by 3rd parties
    • Actions to contain damage, actions of public authorities and debris removal
    • Earthquake, volcanic eruption and tsunami
    • Fire, lightening, explosion, windstorm (incl. related rains and floods), falling trees, falling aircraft and vehicle crashes
//Insurance Type

Sum Insured- Maximum values set for a particular MFI / Bank. Value will be pegged to amount advanced to customer. Customer may opt for higher sums insured in line with their overall stocks.

Premium Rate- 0.25% Minimum Premium: KES5,000

Premium Payment- Annual or Monthly

The product is only available to active clients of the MFI, i.e. those who have an active credit and/or savings account with that MFI A deductible of 10% applies to risks B and C above; risks A and D do not have a deductible