Mobile Funeral Insurance

//Product Type - Term life insurance

Mobile Funeral Insurance Insurance

Voluntary group life insurance for “mobile money” account holders of the partnering telecommunication company; coverage includes protection against death due to all causes and total permanent disability .

This is a group product, Voluntary opt-in

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What does Mobile Funeral Insurance cover?

Part of the death benefit (up to 100%) can be chosen as direct payment to a designated funeral home to cover funeral expenses in case of

    • Natural death or total permanent disability
    • Accidental death
//Insurance Type

Sum Insured- a. KES. 50,000 b. KES.100,000

Premium Rate-

Premium Payment- Monthly payment; premiums are automatically deducted from “mobile money” account.

Age limits are 21 to 65, with disability coverage expiring at age 61 Enrollment happens through USSD and premium payment is through mobile money Multiple enrollments are not allowed